Ebay Fake Item Policy. if there's nothing wrong with the item, but you think that a seller is violating our policies, you can let us know by reporting. returns, items not received, and refunds for buyers. How to report a seller you suspect is fraudulent. In most cases, if your order doesn't arrive, or is faulty or damaged, you'll get. If you believe your item is counterfeit, or isn't as described, contact. signs of seller fraud. the ebay money back guarantee protects you in cases where an item is not received or is not as described in the listing. it means buyers can get their money back if an item didn't arrive, is faulty or damaged, or doesn't match the listing. this policy prevents the sale of counterfeit items, which are illegal, and could expose sellers to legal risk. follow these steps if you think your item is counterfeit: Keeping our members safe is a top priority for us, so.
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In most cases, if your order doesn't arrive, or is faulty or damaged, you'll get. returns, items not received, and refunds for buyers. Keeping our members safe is a top priority for us, so. signs of seller fraud. follow these steps if you think your item is counterfeit: this policy prevents the sale of counterfeit items, which are illegal, and could expose sellers to legal risk. if there's nothing wrong with the item, but you think that a seller is violating our policies, you can let us know by reporting. If you believe your item is counterfeit, or isn't as described, contact. How to report a seller you suspect is fraudulent. it means buyers can get their money back if an item didn't arrive, is faulty or damaged, or doesn't match the listing.
Ebay Policy On Selling Counterfeit at Ian McCord blog
Ebay Fake Item Policy the ebay money back guarantee protects you in cases where an item is not received or is not as described in the listing. if there's nothing wrong with the item, but you think that a seller is violating our policies, you can let us know by reporting. this policy prevents the sale of counterfeit items, which are illegal, and could expose sellers to legal risk. If you believe your item is counterfeit, or isn't as described, contact. signs of seller fraud. it means buyers can get their money back if an item didn't arrive, is faulty or damaged, or doesn't match the listing. Keeping our members safe is a top priority for us, so. follow these steps if you think your item is counterfeit: returns, items not received, and refunds for buyers. the ebay money back guarantee protects you in cases where an item is not received or is not as described in the listing. In most cases, if your order doesn't arrive, or is faulty or damaged, you'll get. How to report a seller you suspect is fraudulent.